
Archive for January, 2011

In With The New

In the spirit of the New Year and de-cluttering my house, I felt like my 100 Things list could use a makeover. New year, new things to accomplish. I didn’t really make any resolutions this year. Losing weight is obviously out of the question, so the next best thing is to complete my list. Hopefully before #2 arrives. ‘Cause I know this mommy won’t have much time for anything after that!

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9 Weeks: Zzzzzz

November 13, 2010

Exhausted doesn’t even begin to describe how tired I am. It’s 8:00 on a Saturday night and normally, J and I would be settling in for a Netflix movie, but I can barely keep my eyes open long enough to type the end of this sentence. I know I’d never make it through a whole movie. We’ve had the same Netflix movie for three weeks now.  I’m guessing we won’t get around to watching it until second trimester when I’ll hopefully have some more energy back.

My weekdays are pretty much the same as far as being tired goes. Get up early, drive to work (at least it’s light out now thanks to DST), work work work, drive home, sometimes pick up S from daycare (if I’m there before J), throw whatever dinner I can stomach in the microwave, attempt to play with S, scarf down some food, clean up dinner, lay on the floor (again attempting to play with S) and konk out a few minutes later.  The other night I fell asleep in our bed while S and I were reading stories. Luckily, she had a good supply of goldfish crackers to keep her occupied. When J came up to give her a bath, I heard her yell, “There are crumbs in the bed!” And she was right. Oops!

I’m now 9 weeks pregnant.  Every day that passes I’m more and more confident that this baby is going to stick around. I had my first prenatal appointment this past week. Everything went well.  My awesome ob-gyn tried to do an ultrasound because she said we wouldn’t hear a heartbeat on the Doppler this early, but maybe we could see it on the screen instead. Unfortunately, we couldn’t see much of the baby since I’m pretty early and the office equipment isn’t as sensitive as the ultrasound I had done a few weeks earlier at the other clinic. Oh well, got to love her for trying! I found out that I’ll actually get an ultrasound in a few weeks, which I wasn’t expecting.  Since I was pregnant with S, they now offer this screening (along with a finger prick) to test for Down’s Syndrome, and trisomy 16 and 18.

Other than the tiredness, I’m finally feeling pretty good. I was actually able to stand in front of the stove a cook a few meals this weekend. Something I hadn’t been able to stomach in awhile. Looking forward to my appetite returning to normal and hopefully getting some shut eye. Nighty-night!

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Wiped Out

Today marks the end of our 3-Day Potty Training stint and I am, quite literally, wiped out. We are much better off than where we started, but I wouldn’t say that we are fully potty trained just yet. S still won’t tell us when she needs to go, has developed a sort of aversion to sitting on the potty and still hasn’t figured out how to keep her underwear dry.  All my googling leads me to believe that S might not be ready for potty training. But the progress we made over the past few days makes me think otherwise. And tonight, watching S sit her baby doll on the potty and talking her through the process made me realize that more is sinking in to that little head than she is letting on. So, we will march forth in our potty training adventure and see what happens.

…oh, and I still haven’t used those pull-ups yet. They almost came out at nap time today, but then S miraculously peed on the potty right before she went to bed. whew!

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Broken Record

So, Day 2 of 3-Day Potty Training? Pretty much the same as Day 1. Let me just say it’s exhausting following your child around 24/7. I will say that we’ve had some pretty good bonding time, though. Coloring, play doh, window markers, puzzles, books, dolls, DVDs, you name it, we’ve done it. all. day. long.

I’ve now picked up on S’s ‘tells’ when she has to go potty. She still won’t tell us when she has to go. Our accidents yesterday happened while we were in the bathroom, so I was able to get her on the potty really quickly so we could still make a big deal about it and she got her incentive jelly belly’s and silly bandz. That happened twice. I feel like I’m offering her liquids all the time, but she’s not drinking as much.  I think she’s getting pretty good about holding it longer. And I’m thisclose to putting her in a pull-up for naps and bedtime. My poor washing machine.

My approach today is to continue my “tell mommy when you have to go potty, ok!” mantra and just see what happens. I’m not going to try to get her to the bathroom if I see she needs to go…just continue my broken record speech and hope that she gets it today. Crossing my fingers for the “lightbulb”…this has to be worth it!

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