
Archive for February, 2012

Just The Ladies

I took S to her very first ever theater performance today. We saw the Eric Carle story montage at the Overture Center. The story, well three actually, was very entertaining. It was all done with puppetry, black lights and music. The place was filled with kids that were entertained by three of Mr. Carle’s stories: The Hungry Caterpillar, Brown Bear Brown Bear, and Papa Please Get the Moon for Me. S has the first two books, so we were very excited about those two. Mr. Caterpillar was a big hit and the kids cheered him on when he came on stage.

Here’s us getting ready to leave before for the show.

Once we were there, we took in all the oranate details of the Capitol Theatre. It was my first time at this particular theater. We’d been to Overture Hall for a handful of performances (J and I), but never to the Capitol Theater. I liked the more intimate setting and the cool detailed ceiling and velvet lounge chairs along the walls.

Then we headed in to find our seats. S was excited and couldn’t sit in her’s very long  for my shot that I had to have.   I even got in trouble by the usher lady who warned that no photos were allowed during the show. Relax lady, just trying to caputure a memory here.

After making friends with our pint-sized neighbors, the lights dimmed and the show was on. We stayed for a few minutes of the aftershow where they explained all their puppetry secrets and then we headed to lunch. I let S pick the spot and she wanted the Great Dane. Fine with me!  S was very into coloring while she waited for her mac n cheese.

I really enjoyed spending the afternoon with Miss S. She’s getting so big and is so much fun to be around. It was nice just to have some “girl time”, too. Thanks for a fun time, Sophia!

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